News - 19 April 2022

Fulfill Commitment, Sewatama Pay 27th Ijarah Bond and Fee Coupon As well as the 9th Amortization of IDR 23.1 Billion

Fulfilled the commitment of the agreement with bondholders of the Sewatama I Bonds 2012 and holders of the 2012 I Sukuk Ijarah, PT Sumberdaya Sewatama (IDX: “SSMM”) to pay the 27th gross bond coupon amounting to Rp 23,102,898,797 (Twenty-three Billion One Hundred Two Million Eight Hundred Ninety Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Seven Rupiah) with details of SISSMM01 sukuk ijarah fee of Rp. 3,330,000,000 (three billion four hundred thirty million rupiah) and coupon of Rp. 9,644,150,000 (nine billion nine hundred sixty four million one hundred fifty thousand rupiah). As well as the 9th amortization amounting to Rp. 9,708,748,797 (Nine Billion Seven Hundred Eight Million Seven Hundred Forty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Seven Rupiah) deposited into KSEI’s account on Friday, 28 June 2019. This payment was made before the due date set by KSEI, for payment of bond coupons and ijarah fees and amortizations.


“Our commitment in paying the 9th amortization and 27th bond coupons totaling Rp23.1 billion is a form of our commitment to fulfill obligations to bondholders and sukuk. This number is greater than agreed. We strive to speed up payments to reduce the principal debt. In addition, the timely payments that we make are also a form of our gratitude for the support of the bondholders to Sewatama management in managing the company while maintaining the principle of prudence, “said Ferry Arief Sunandar, President Director, PT Sumberdaya Sewatama in Jakarta, Friday (6/28/2019).


For the debt principal that has been approved by Wali Amanat, now Sewatama still has sharia bonds of Rp 196,000,000,000 (one hundred and ninety six billion) with ijarah fees of 7% per year until 2020, then 8% per year until the year 2024 and Ijarah principal installments of 1% per year. As for conventional bonds (SSM01B) also reduced to IDR 569,380,000, – (Five Hundred Sixty Nine million three hundred eighty thousand rupiahs) with coupons of 7% per year until 2020, then 8% per year until 2024 following installments principal of 1% per year.

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