
Fifty Sewatama employees were awarded the 2024 Service Year Award on Wednesday (17/4). The event was held at the TMT Building, Cilandak, Jakar...
Warm greetings on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijriyah to you and your family. May the purity and blessings of the Ramadan month accompan...
PT Sumberdaya Sewatama (Sewatama) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Politeknik Ketenagakerjaan (Polteknaker). This collaboration a...
Sewatama, which operates and maintains the Sumbagut II Gas Engine Power Plant (PLTMG) located in Lhokseumawe, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, won an...
PT Sumberdaya Sewatama (Sewatama), inaugurated the renovation of the Gresik Depot, East Java, on Tuesday (23/1). The depot, which was establis...
"Happy New Year. May 2024 bring us joy, success and opportunities to continue to grow"

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