Press Release - 18 April 2022

Sewatama And DKM AN-NUR PT Tia participates to donate Aceh Earthquake in Pidie

PT Sumberdaya Sewatama (ABM Group) which is an integrated power provider solution subsidiary of ABM Investama Group, participates to donate Aceh Earthquake in Pidie, December 17, 2016.

This aid was donated by the company and the employee who originally wanted to be distributed along with the distribution of aid from PT Mifa Bersaudara, sisters company of Sewatama. Since the earthquake Care Team Pidie Jaya PT Mifa has returned to Meulaboh then this aid is channeled through Dompet Serambi Indonesia newspaper, obviously Head of Corporate Affairs PT Sumberdaya Sewatama, Nadia Diposanjoyo through External Relations Manager of PT Mifa Bersaudara, Azizon Nurza.

More details Azizon mention the aid already delivered are expected to be used to purchase blankets, baby needs and groceries explained.

When the information Earthquake that occurred in Pidie Jaya and the surrounding spreads, we are all a big family ABM Investama Group which includes PT Sumberdaya Sewatama immediately responded by committing acts of fundraising as an expression of concern and care for our brothers who are affected in Pidie Jaya, Aceh Province , “said Azizon External Relations Manager PT Mifa Bersaudara to the RRI in Meulaboh Saturday (12.17.16)

Also on this occasion also handed over assistance from the Muslim employees of PT Tunas Inti Abadi (TIA) is incorporated in the organization of the Board of Prosperity Masjid An Nur Special Port Coal is in Sebamban South Kalimantan for earthquake victims Pidie Aceh, represented by the Port Operation Manager PT Mifa Brothers, Indra Vasudeva and the Agency for the Islamic Da’wah (BDI) PT Mifa Brothers.


About PT. Sumberdaya Sewatama

PT. Sumberdaya Sewatama is an integrated power solution provider company under Tiara Marga Trakindo Group. It is the subsidiary of PT. ABM Investama Tbk, an integrated energy company. Established in 1992, Sewatama has a vision to become the leading company in its industry.

Sewatama has 4 main business lines: Temporary Power, Operations and Maintenance, Energy Efficiency Services, and Long Term Power Solutions, which make the company the only integrated power solution provider company in Indonesia.

Through its subsidiaries, PT. Pradipa Arya Satya and PT. Nagata Bisma Shakti, Sewatama entered the IPP (Independent Power Producer) business using fossil fuel and renewable energy.

The development of the two subsidiaries can be seen through the acquisition of 20% of MEPPOGEN shares in Gas and Steam Power Plant with 110 MW capacities in South Sumatera, Steam Power Plant with 15 MW capacities of PT. Energi Alamraya Semesta (AES) in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, and through the development of water energy based project in South Sulawesi up to 50 MW capacities to assist the construction progress in that area. Moreover, Sewatama also develops biogas power plant in Central Kalimantan and South Kalimantan with over 5.4 MW total capacities.

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